Every year, thousands of Brazilians get exposed to the risks of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STD) because of the lack of orientation. Thinking about taking information on STD and family planning, Bahia Marina invited CEPARH (research and care center in human reproduction) through the environmental education and social communication program to go to the Solar do Unhão community to provide free medical assistance. The events happened on March 12th and 14th.
Opened by the nursing coordinator of CEPARH, Adriana Leite, the lecture “Love and Sex: Pleasure and danger” brought to a very aware audience, themes related to reproductive health, contraceptive methods and orientation on how to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases. “The community has several questions and this kind of subject must always be discussed in other opportunities”, Adriana said.
Mother for the first time at 17 and holding her second baby now at 19, Daniela Conceição told us that both babies were not expected and planned. “Every young person must know about the contraceptive methods to avoid pregnancy and this meeting was very productive to alert people and teach”, she said.
Sat in the front row, Mônica Silva, 27 years old, was aware to get as much information as she could, through Nurse Adriana Leite. ”I got to know better about all the contraceptive methods and, in the future, I intend to have another babies, however, planning everything before”, she said.
Medical Care
Last Friday (03/14), the Solar do Unhão community was very excited. The reason for that was the health mobile unit of CEPARH. They set up a room at the association of residents to provide medical care to people of reproductive ages. After a sorting process with some nurses, 25 people were checked out by Doctor Alan Assis Coutinho and according to each case, they received referrals for tests and birth control drugs for free.
“Our goal is make them know better CEPARH and keep them close, so they can be watched over regularly by professionals. People usually do not get access easily to contraceptive methods, so it is needed to discuss more about Family planning”, said.