marca Bahia Marina
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Human Body Exposition Call Young People´s Attention

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Did you ever think of exploring each part of the human body in a realistic way, getting to know muscles, bones and arteries? This was possible for young people from the social communication and environmental education program, who had a live class at the international exposition “The “Fantastic Human Body”, while here in Salvador.


In every single gallery, the group could learn a little bit more about how the human body works and health care, as of free observation and orientations given by monitors and all the professionals from the health area, who were solving people´s questions in the place.


The exposition was divided by the skeletal, muscular, nervous, respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, circulatory and reproductive systems, besides showing the fetal life and modern medicine.


Juliana Rodrigues, 11 years old, thought the exposition was really cool and left the place with important lessons learnt. “The most interesting thing for me was the explanation about the blood in our bodies and the formation of the little babies (fetus).I learned that it´s very important to care about our body and about what we eat”, she says.


Since the organs were all real, donated to science for instructive purposes, it was not possible to take pictures.


Besides the exposition, the children hung out around Salvador Shopping mall and had some food.



foto divulgação


Expedição inédita no Brasil pretende preservar Baleia Jubarte

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O veleiro Lucky Lady, de 30 pés, partiu da Bahia Marina com cinco tripulantes e o objetivo de realizar pesquisa de mapeamento acústico das baleias jubarte na costa da Bahia. Seu destino foi o Parque Nacional Marinho de Abrolhos, para realizar a I Expedição Científica Bioacústica à Vela. Através do monitoramento sonoro com hidrofone e gravador digital, foi captado o canto das baleias jubarte, espécie-bandeira migratória, que frequenta o litoral baiano entre julho e novembro, período reprodutivo desta espécie. Este é um trabalho inédito no país e tem o objetivo de contribuir com a preservação marinha.


Esta pesquisa é realizada pela Bemfica Expedições e financiada pela Cetacean Society International, Bahia Marina e Belov Engenharia. Em Abrolhos, a equipe contou com o apoio da Marinha do Brasil e Instituto Baleia Jubarte (IBJ) base Caravelas.


Segundo os pesquisadores da Expedição, uma das principais características desta espécie é o canto realizado pelos machos com função de reprodução. Esses sons serão utilizados para fornecer estimativas de quantos “cantores” habitam a rota entre Salvador e Abrolhos e onde eles se concentram.


As gravações dos sons das baleias foram realizadas a cada três horas, por cinco a dez minutos. Neste percurso, foram avistados 23 grupos de baleias jubarte, totalizando 54 indivíduos e 43 pontos de gravação. Em todos os pontos de gravação foram detectados o canto da jubarte, confirmando que toda a região é intensamente frequentada como área reprodutiva.


A Expedição totalizou 750 milhas náuticas navegadas em 130 horas, sendo 100 horas apenas à vela. Esta foi uma preocupação sustentável em todas as esferas da pesquisa, tanto para o consumo de combustível – apenas 100 litros de diesel foram consumidos durante todo o percurso, quanto para o consumo de água e produção de energia.


Esta pesquisa está sendo coordenada pelo professor doutor Marcos Rossi-Santos, do Laboratório de Ecologia Acústica e Comportamento Animal, da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB), que também atua junto ao Programa de Pós Graduação em Ecologia e Biomonitoramento da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA).


A estudante de mestrado do programa e aluna do veleiro escola Fraternidade, de Aleixo Belov, Tais Bemfica, compõe a tripulação, juntamente com o capitão e biólogo, Daniel Lewis, a estudante de graduação em biologia Clara Resende e a marinheira Sophie Bemfica Lewis, de apenas dois anos de idade.


Para a diretora da Bahia Marina, Leilane Loureiro, oferecer apoio para a pesquisa acadêmica é essencial para o progresso. “E se tratando de um estudo inédito, com dados únicos, as informações se transformam em uma ferramenta de conservação e de monitoramento marinho”, destaca.






Unprecedented Expedition in Brazil Aims to Preserve Humpback whales

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The Lucky Lady sailboat, 30 feet, left Bahia Marina with five crew members, aiming to conduct an acoustic mapping survey of humpback whales on the coast of Bahia. Its destination was the Marine National Park of Abrolhos, to conduct the first bioacustic scientific sailing expedition. Through the sound monitoring with a hydrophone and a digital recorder, the sing of the humpback whales was captured (migratory flagship species that comes to the coast of Bahia between July and November, reproductive period). This is an unprecedented work in Brazil that aims to contribute to the marine preservation.

This research was performed by Bemfica Expedições and sponsored by Catacean Society International, Bahia Marina and Belov Engenharia. In Abrolhos, the crew was supported by the Brazilian Navy and the Humpback Whale Institute (IBJ), in Caravelas.

According to researchers of the expedition, one of the main characteristics of this species is the sing perfomed by the male as a reproduction function. Such sounds will be used to provide data on how many “singers” we have between Salvador and Abrolhos and where they concentrate.

The recording of the whale sounds was done in every three hours, for five or ten minutes long. Along that, 23 groups of humpback whales were seen, for a total of 54 animals and 43 recording points. The sing of the humpback whales was detected in every reconding point, confirming that the area is very frequented by them as an area for reproduction.

The expedition totalized 750 nautical miles navigated in 130 hours, in which 100 hours just sailing. This was a sustainable concern in every area of the research, both for the consumption of fuel – just 100 liters of diesel along the entire way, and for the consumption of water and energy production.

This reseach is being coordenated by the Professor Dr. Marcos Rossi-Santos, from the Acoustic Ecology and Animal Behavior Lab, from the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB), that also operates closely with the postgraduate program in ecology and biomonitoring from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA).

Master student of the program and student at the sailboat school “Fraternidade” (by Aleixo Belov), Taís Bemfica, is part of the crew along with Captain and biologist Daniel Lewis, the graduate student in biology Clara Resende and the sailor Sophie Bemfica Lewis, two years old only.

According to the Director of Bahia Marina, Leilane Loureiro, to offer support for the academic research is essential for the progress. “Since it is an unprecedented study with new data, the information becomes a tool of preservation and marine monitoring”, she says.



