marca Bahia Marina
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Bahia Marina ends the environmental program activities of the year with children´s paintings

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After a productive year of activities related to environmental education, we had an ending with playful activities to celebrate. That was the way Bahia Marina ended activities of the environmental education and social communication program, along with the Solar do Unhão community in 2015. On the occasion, children from the neighborhood were stimulated to draw and produce shirts related to themes of the workshops they had along the year. They drew turtles, dolphins, sunrise, the see . . .

The activity consisted in creating some visual reference done with some painting techniques right on the shirts, based on the contents of the worshops and activities of the program developed this year: Workshops: “The Art of Living in peace”; ”Life Has the Color You Pain It”, “personal, social and environmental ecology” and the ”Environmental History of Baia de Todos os Santos”, besides an ecological tour.

Bahia Marina environmental education and social communication program will continue on January 12th, with several educational activities and after carnival, Bahia Marina will hold some workshops related to “integral health”.


News in Bahia Marina with the Arrival of Brands and Renowed Companies

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Bahia Marina brings news this end of year with the arrival of four more renowed companies: Casual Móveis that already operates in the marked since October and the advertising company Morya, of ABC Group chaired by Nizan Guanes who moved to the new head office at the end of November; Marina Yatchs, reseller of the luxury brand Azimut and construction company and developer Consil Empreendimentos that belongs to the Business man Paulo Fábio Lebran. Still early December, a new convienience store is going to open doors at the place.

Once again with all its Glamour, Villa CR by Carlos Rodeiro docks at Bahia Marina from December 10th until March. The business man and jewelery  designer takes back the pop-up store project, last summer success, aiming to unite different brands from different areas, nationally and internationally recognized and admired. Villa presents women´s fashion, handbags and accessories luxury brand, jewelery, gourmet coffee shop, beauty center and a delicacy square with regional food.

Casual Móveis is one of the best references in the luxury and design furniture market in Brazil, with stores in São Paulo, Brasília, Belo Horizonte and Salvador, being this last one the first in the northeast. It brings the concept of comfort and luxury for all areas (indoor and outdoor).

Consil, construction and developer company by Fábio Lebram is recognized in the market by its pioneering and inovation, this time for accepting credit cards in buying of apartments. Recently, it delivered the Cajazeiras Shopping Mall and the Outlet in Feira de Santana, among some others projects and it is building the Alpha Medical Center.

Marina Yachts, in turn, a company by Grupo Cidade, is going to be the exclusive representative of luxury boats and yachts by the Italian Azimut Yachts, in Bahia. The store is going to open doors early December and it is going to sell boats and yachts of 42 feet and 83 feet.

Morya Agency, in turn, built a new and original head office at Bahia Marina, project of the renowed architect David Bastos. It is a different model of advertising agency where the focus is a multipurpose space with objects to promote knowledge through events and three more workstations for the collaborators. Recently it started to be part of the North American group of advertising, Omnicom, one of the biggest in the world.

Certainly there will be no lack of inspiration for the Morya creative staff with such an exuberant view of Baía de Todos os Santos.

News in 2016

It was expected still for the first semester of 2016 one more project in Bahia Marina: a resale of automobiles with permanent exposition of imported cars, besides motocycles. The news reinforce the standard quality of Bahia Marina, that, besides being a nautical, leisure and gastronomic center and one of Salvador postcards, comes to be seen also as a business center.




In the Seventh Edition, the Nautical Rally Brings a Celebration at Bahia Marina Neutral Point and Repeats Another Successful Year.

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“Navigate is needed”. And with an extra dose of adrenaline, 70 competitors literally followed the famous sentence in the 7th edition of the Nautical Rally of Bahia. This year, the party in the sea innovated and included the category called “Adventure” and inserted the participation of jet skis so they can join the boats in the competition. The Rally happened on November 28th (saturday) with neutral point at Bahia Marina.

Hold every year by Bahia Marina and Yacht Clube of Bahia, the 2015 event was sponsored by Marina Yachts, representative of Azimut in Bahia and the support of Náutica Magazine, Municipal Government of Salvador, Air Europa, Tribuna da Bahia, A Tarde and Correio da Bahia.

After the start at Barra, the competitors followed to the neutral point, strategic stop for a moment of rest, celebration and recharge to continue the race. This time, Bahia Marina welcomed the competitors on dry land, not at the schooner as last editions. “This change was thought for the best comfort and more interaction among competitors”, says  Silvia Ferreira (Bahia Marina Manager).

People at the neutral point was entertained by Dj Barbie while tasting Bahia typical food, delicacies and drinks. The party ended at the Bahia Yacht Club with a lot of joy and excitement with Jamil band.


Four pairs finished the race with the lower margin of error and reached the podium:

General Category:

1º Marcos Rupollo/Ana Maria Heyse (Doria’s Boat);
2º Marcelo Sacramento/Marcelo Campos (Capitão Nelson);
3º Luiz Fernando Souza/Adriano Ribeiro (Aquaholic)

Bahia Category:

1º Luiz Fernando Souza/Adriano Ribeiro (Aquaholic);
2º Daniel Ferreira Lima Jr/Diogo Lima (Que Natureza);
3º Danielson Costa Lima/Danilo Rego (Free)

Adventure Category:

1º Rilson Moitinho/Lucas Moitinho (Princess VIII);
2º Luiz Vidal Otero/Luiz Eduardo Rivera (Ocho Rios);
3º Nilson Pena/Helio Vieira (Maré Cheia)

Jet Ski Category:

1º Vitor Granjo/Luiza Granjo (Poly);
2º Bruno Carlos (Kbeça II);
3º Ronaldo Farias/Claudia Dourado (Kal Dourado).



Tamar Project hosts children from the Solar do Unhão community for a tour promoted by the Bahia Marina environmental program

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Even on a rainy day,  children and their parents, residents of the Solar do Unhão community, were very excited. They just really wanted to know the Tamar Project in Praia do forte. This was the first destiny of a tour organized by the Bahia Marina environmental education and social communication program, with more than 40 participants, including kids and their parents. The objective was to promote the knowledge of the marine habitat and its preservation, through direct contact with animals.

During the guided tour “the sea turtle´s world”, four of the 5 species from the national coast (the Big-Headed, the Hawksbill, the Olive Ridley, the Green) preserved by the Tamar Project, were presented didactically, besides fishes, sharks and the stingrays.




Ana Claudia Rodrigues, 33, mother of two (Fabricio and Juliana Rodrigues), present on the tour, talked about how satisfied she was about the Project. ”I think it was very interesting and educative. I learned a lot about nature and I saw things I just saw on tv”

Teenager Izadora Morais, 14 years old, was impressed with what she saw: “I think the tour was very special and fun, because we had the opportunity to touch some animals we had never touched before, such as stingrays. We also took some pictures close to the sharks. Even on a rainy day, it was very good. I learned a lot about the turtles and about not throwing trash in the sea, so we do not hurt the sea animals”, she said.

One of the parents present on the tour, complimented the itinerary and the commitment of Bahia Marina in promoting activities like that to the community. Julinaldo Rocha, 35, father of Enzo Ricardo, 12, and Rickison Santos, 14, visited the project for the first time with his children:”I thought it was great, the group of people together, the knowledge about the environment, its preservation and the piece of culture we got here. I was really surprised with the commitment of Bahia Marina, developing this work. To my children, it was a great learning and that is why I motivated them to come over”, he said.



Yellow Submarine


During the tour, the children did not get excited only about the turtles, sharks and stingrays. In the yellow submarine, they could appreciate a unique exposition in Latin America, with animals living in the depths of the ocean (around 500 meters) and touch them.

Taialane Vitória, 14, remembered how was the feeling of touching the giant sea cockroach (Bathynomus giganteus), even in cold water. “I experienced things that I never did before in my life. I loved to touch the sea cockroach from the depths of the ocean. I learned about the seven turtle species in the world, five from Brazil and four are here in Bahia. All of this will be worthwhile in the future.”

Besides the giant cockroaches, morays and the hagfish blew the kid´s minds. Tarsis Victor was one of them. “I loved to see many different kinds of fish that I have never seen before. And it was very nice to see the hagfish.”




Projeto Tamar recebe crianças da Comunidade Solar do Unhão em passeio promovido pelo Programa Ambiental da Bahia Marina

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Mesmo com o dia chuvoso, a animação das crianças e de seus pais, moradores da Comunidade Solar do Unhão, não foi abalada. O que importava mesmo era conhecer o Projeto Tamar, na Praia do Forte. Esse foi o destino de mais um passeio organizado pelo Programa de Educação Ambiental e Comunicação Social da Bahia Marina e que contou com a  presença de mais de 40 participantes, entre crianças e seus pais. O objetivo foi promover o conhecimento sobre o habitat marinho e sua preservação, através do contato direto com os animais.


Na visita guiada, o mundo das tartarugas marinhas, quatro das cinco espécies da costa nacional (Tartaruga-cabeçuda, tartaruga-de-pente, tartaruga-verde e tartaruga-oliva) preservadas pelo Projeto Tamar, foram didaticamente apresentadas, além dos peixes, tubarões e as arraias.




Ana Claudia Rodrigues, 33, mãe de Fabricio e Juliana Rodrigues, presentes no passeio, relatou a sua satisfação em ter conhecido o Projeto: “Eu achei tudo muito interessante e educativo. Aprendi bastante em relação a natureza e vi coisas que eu só via pela televisão”.


A adolescente Izadora Morais, de 14 anos, ficou impressionada com o que observou: “Achei esse passeio muito especial e divertido, porque a gente teve a oportunidade de tocar em animais que nunca havíamos tocado, como a arraia, por exemplo, e de tirar fotos perto do tubarão. Mesmo com chuva foi muito bom. Adquiri bastante conhecimento sobre as tartarugas e que não se deve jogar lixo no mar para não machucar os animais marinhos”, disse.


Um dos pais presentes no passeio elogiou o roteiro e o compromisso da Bahia Marina em promover atividades como esta para a comunidade. Julinaldo Rocha, 35, pai de Enzo Ricardo, de 12 anos, e de Rickison Santos, de 14, visitou pela primeira vez o projeto, assim como os seus filhos:  “Achei ótimo, além da integração tanto como grupo, quanto do conhecimento sobre o meio ambiente, sua preservação e a cultura que a gente adquiriu. Me surpreendeu o comprometimento e o compromisso da Bahia Marina em desenvolver esse trabalho. Para os meus filhos gerou um aprendizado muito amplo e foi por isso que os motivei para que viessem”, conversou orgulhoso.


Submarino Amarelo


No passeio, não somente as tartarugas, os tubarões e as arraias impressionaram os participantes. No Submarino Amarelo, eles puderam conhecer uma exposição única na América Latina, com animais que vivem nas profundezas do mar (em torno de 500 metros) e ainda tocar em um deles.


Tailana Vitória, de 14 anos, lembrou como foi a sensação de pegar na barata marinha gigante (Bathynomus giganteus), mesmo com a baixíssima temperatura da água. “Eu vivi experiências que nunca tive na vida. Amei tocar na barata do fundo mar. Aprendi sobre as espécies das tartarugas, que são sete tipos no mundo, cinco no Brasil e quatro aqui na Bahia. Tudo isso terá muito valor para o meu futuro”.


Além das baratas gigantes, animais como a Moreia e o Peixe-bruxa encantaram a garotada. Tarsis Victor, de 12 anos, foi um deles. “Eu gostei demais te ter visto peixes bem diferentes dos quais estou acostumado. E foi muito legal ter visto os peixes-bruxa”.



Bahia Marina celebra dia do meio ambiente com painel artístico

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A Avenida Contorno, em Salvador, ganhou uma obra de arte em comemoração ao Dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente, celebrado dia 05 de junho. A intervenção da Bahia Marina é exibida em painel de nove por três metros para retratar a tartaruga marinha, um dos animais símbolos da Baía de Todos os Santos e que hoje está entre as vítimas da degradação ambiental.


Utilizando a arte como apelo, através do conceito “Aqui é arte, no mar é lixo”, a obra assinada pela Engenhonovo e executada pelo artista plástico Ivo Gato foi criada com materiais que geralmente são descartados no mar. Para compor a peça foram utilizadas 3 mil garrafas pet de tamanhos variados, 2 mil latinhas de cervejas, madeira, ferragens e tinta.


Segundo Ivo Gato, o objetivo do trabalho é explicar que o lixo pode ser bonito se for transformado e não descartado de forma incorreta no meio ambiente. Nove pessoas estiveram envolvidas no processo de criação do painel, que começou com pesquisa de material apropriado e visitas às cooperativas de reciclagem. “Encontramos um material que conseguisse dar plasticidade mais agradável para que o trabalho final não se pareça lixo e sim arte”, explica.


História Ambiental


Já faz parte da história da Bahia Marina celebrar datas importantes do calendário ambiental com ações que façam a sociedade refletir sobre a preservação das águas e da biodiversidade da Baía de Todos os Santos. Desde 2009, a empresa realiza campanhas publicitárias como ações complementares socioeducativas de caráter ambiental, para divulgar de forma criativa a mensagem de preservação do mar. Em 2011 e 2012 as campanhas assinadas também pela Engenhonovo foram premiadas nacionalmente.


Segundo Reynaldo Loureiro, diretor da Bahia Marina, anualmente é realizada a limpeza das bacias do entorno da BahiaMarina, além da retirada diária de resíduos que são encontrados superficialmente no mar. “O que se percebe é um cenário onde as pessoas ainda não aprenderam a dar o destino correto ao lixo que produz e como temos no mar a base de nossos produtos e serviços, é nosso dever sensibilizar e tentar passar uma mensagem positiva”, reflete Loureiro.


Sobre o artista


José Ivo da Costa Santos é artista plástico, nascido em Lagarto/Sergipe e erradicado na Bahia. Estudou Administração de Empresas, mas percebeu que não era a sua área, então, fez Artes Plásticas na Universidade Federal da Bahia. Há 35 anos criou o Atelier do Ivo Gato, empresa que atua na área de decoração, paisagismo e cenografia para cinema, teatro, televisão, shoppings e outros.


Ficha Técnica:


Agência: Engenhonovo


Diretor de criação: Márcio Sant’ Ana

Diretor de arte: Heitor Neto

Redator: Fábio Perazzo

Diretora de atendimento: Bartira Pereira

Atendimento: Bárbara Santana

Mídia: Priscila Fernandes

Produção Gráfica: Sandra Ramacciotti

Artista plástico: Ivo Gato



Bahia Marina celebrates the environment day with an artistic panel

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Contorno Avenue, in Salvador, earned this Saturday (05/30), a work of art to celebrate the international environment day, on June 5th. The intervention of Bahia Marina is exposed in a panel measuring 9 meters long x 3 meters wide, to screen the sea turtle, one of the animals symbol of Baia de Todos os Santos, being one of the victims of the environmental degradation.

Using art as an appeal through the concept “Here it is art, but trash in the sea”, the work signed by Engenhonovo and executed by artist Ivo Gato was designed with materials usually discarded in the sea. To compose the work he used three thousand of  pet bottles in several sizes, two thousand of beer cans, wood, iron materials and paint.

According to Ivo Gato, the goal of the activity is to show how trash can be beautiful if it is transformed, not discarded wrongly in the environment. Nine people were involved in the process of creation of the panel, which started with the search for the right materials and visits to the recycling cooperative. “We found a kind of material that could give more plasticity, turning trash into a good visual artwork”, he says.


Environmental History


It is already part of Bahia Marina to celebrate important dates of the environmental calendar with activities that make society think about the water and the Bahia de Todos os Santos biodiversity prevention. Since 2009, the company hold advertising campaigns with additional socialeducative activities related to the environment theme, disclosing the preservation of the sea in a creative way. In 2011 and 2012, the campaigns signed by Engenhonovo agency earned some awards nationally

According to Reynaldo Loureiro, director of Bahia Marina, annually the berths around Bahia Marina are cleaned, besides the daily cleaning of wastes found on the surface of the sea. “What we notice is that people have not learned how to discard their trash rightly and since we have the sea as a base for our products and services, it is our job to bring information to people and spread a positive message”, he says.

About the artist:

José Ivo da Costa Santos is an artist, born in Lagarto/Sergipe and eradicated in Bahia. He studied business administration, but noticed this was not his area, then he studied visual arts at the Federal University of Bahia. After that, 35 years ago, he started up the Ivo Gato studio, company that Works on decoration, landscaping and scenography for cinema, theater, television, malls and some others.



Technical File:


Agency: Engenho novo

Creative director: Márcio Sant’ Ana

Art director: Heitor Neto

Copywriter: fabio perazzo

Costumer service director: Bartira Pereira

Attendance: Bárbara Santana

Media: Priscila Fernandes

Graphic Production: Sandra Ramacciotti

Artist: Ivo Gato




Crianças da comunidade do Solar do Unhão conheceram botos e manguezal em passeio educativo promovido pela Bahia Marina

By | Marina Ambiental | No Comments

As crianças e mães da Comunidade Solar do Unhão compartilharam no mês de janeiro uma experiência única. Esse foi o sentimento da maioria dos participantes do passeio educativo de escuna promovido pela Bahia Marina em águas da Baia de Todos os Santos. A ação faz parte do Programa de Educação Ambiental e Comunicação Social que a marina realiza com a comunidade do entorno desde 2012.


O passeio que contou com cerca de 40 participantes, entre crianças e adultos, teve atividades coordenadas pela Ethos-Humanus em parceria com a bióloga Maria do Socorro Reis (Bioconserve Consultoria Ambiental), que estuda os mamíferos aquáticos da Baía há 25 anos. As crianças viram pela primeira vez um cardume de botos, em torno de 10, nas proximidades da Foz do Paraguaçu, local onde os mamíferos costumam se alimentar durante o verão. Foi um momento muito especial.




Outro momento marcante do evento foi a caminhada pelo manguezal da região. As crianças aprenderam a razão de sua existência, a importância da preservação desse ecossistema e receberam, durante toda a viagem, ensinamentos sobre as consequências da pesca por bomba, os danos causados pelo lixo jogado no mar e ainda conheceram um pouco da história das localidades visitadas. Os pequenos fizeram muitas perguntas e também aproveitaram o lazer para um banho de mar em Salinas da Margarida, um dos pontos de parada.




Para a bióloga Maria do Socorro “a iniciativa da Bahia Marina foi muito positiva. O grupo demonstrou interesse, interagiu muito bem. O trabalho com crianças favorece que eles se tornem amanhã adultos melhores e mais conscientes. Este passeio foi uma experiência de convivência com a natureza que eles nunca vão esquecer”. Para Edileuza Benigno, mãe de duas crianças, que nunca tinha saído de Salvador, a experiência foi inesquecível: “Fiquei maravilhada. Aprendi muita coisa e meus filhos também, eles nunca vão esquecer o banho de lama no manguezal. Estou realizada”.


O passeio ecológico é a primeira ação do ano de 2015 dentre outras previstas no Programa de Educação Ambiental da Bahia Marina, junto à comunidade do Solar do Unhão.






Solar do Unhão Children met pink river dolphins and mangrove during educative tour provided by Bahia Marina

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Children and mothers of Solar do Unhão community shared a unique experience in January. That was the feeling of most people along the educative tour by schooner around Bahia Marina in Baía de Todos os Santos. The campaign is part of the environmental education and social communication  program that Marina develops with the surrounding community since 2012.

The tour was attended by around 40 participants, among children and adults, and there were activities coordinated by Ethos-Humanus in cooperation with biologist Maria do Socorro Reis (Bioconserve Environmental Consulting), who studies marine mammals in Baía de Todos os Santos for 25 years. Children saw for the first time a pink river dolphin group, about 10 of them, around Foz do Paraguaçu, place where mammals are used to feed during summer. It was a very special moment.


Another remarkable moment of the event was the walk along the mangrove. Children learned the reason why we have it, the importance of preserving such ecosystem and got, along the tour, knowledge on the consequences of blast fishing and the damages we get from the trash left in the sea and they still learned about the history of some places we visited. The little ones had a lot of questions and also took advantage of the tour to take a swim in Salinas da Margarida, one of the tour stops.


According to biologist Maria do Socorro, “Bahia Marina initiative was positive. The group showed interest, interacted very positively. The work with the children makes them better and turns them into more aware adults in the future. This tour was a living experience with the nature they will never forget”. According to Edileuza Benigno, mother of two kids who never left Salvador, the experience was unforgettable: “I was amazed. I learned a lot of things along with my kids. They will never forget the mud bath in the mangrove. I am very happy”.

The ecological tour is the first campaign of 2015 among some others scheduled for the environmental education program of Bahia Marina, along with Solar do Unhão community




Partnership between Bahia Marina and CEPARH take information and care to the community

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Every year, thousands of Brazilians get exposed to the risks of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STD) because of the lack of orientation. Thinking about taking information on STD and family planning, Bahia Marina invited CEPARH (research and care center in human reproduction) through the environmental education and social communication program to go to the Solar do Unhão community to provide free medical assistance. The events happened on March 12th and 14th.

Opened by the nursing coordinator of CEPARH, Adriana Leite, the lecture “Love and Sex: Pleasure and danger” brought to a very aware audience, themes related to reproductive health, contraceptive methods and orientation on how to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases. “The community has several questions and this kind of subject must always be discussed in other opportunities”, Adriana said.

Mother for the first time at 17 and holding her second baby now at 19, Daniela Conceição told us that both babies were not expected and planned. “Every young person must know about the contraceptive methods to avoid pregnancy and this meeting was very productive to alert people and teach”, she said.

Sat in the front row, Mônica Silva, 27 years old, was aware to get as much information as she could, through Nurse Adriana Leite. ”I got to know better about all the contraceptive methods and, in the future, I intend to have another babies, however, planning everything before”, she said.


Medical Care

Last Friday (03/14), the Solar do Unhão community was very excited. The reason for that was the health mobile unit of CEPARH. They set up a room at the association of residents to provide medical care to people of reproductive ages. After a sorting process with some nurses, 25 people were checked out by Doctor Alan Assis Coutinho and according to each case, they received referrals for tests and birth control drugs for free.

“Our goal is make them know better CEPARH and keep them close, so they can be watched over regularly by professionals. People usually do not get access easily to contraceptive methods, so it is needed to discuss more about Family planning”, said.