Passing through the northeast region, Schurmann Family chose Bahia Marina to anchor the sailboat Kat for some days before going right to Alagoas and begin a new project. According to the adventurous crew members, Bahia Marina was chosen because of the strategic location, infrastructure and good reception.
After completing the Orient Expedition, that took the family for 812 days sailing through the four oceans, at the end of last year, the story is going to be told in a series on the Channel National Geographic, starting on April 25.
Read more about such subjects in the interview that we had with Schurmann Family
Bahia Marina – After the Orient Expedition, how is Schurmann Family today?
Schurmann Family – As soon as we got in Brazil, we have started the project of a new expedition for the second semester of 2018. Now we are passing through Salvador. We are going to start up the Conexão Project on May 3rd, in Maragogi (Alagoas). Schurmann Family is getting ready for a new adventure counting on a special crew! Paloma Bernardi is the first star confirmed for the project that is going to reach dream beaches in the northeast region of the country. Besides the actress, five more national influencers are going to be on board the sailboat Kat, experiencing the land detachment to explore the Brazilian coast in a different and sustainable way. In the next few weeks, Schurmann Family is going to reveal the names of the other crew members, as well as the names of the sponsors and supporters of this initiative that is going to shake up social media. The new adventure of the Schurmann Family will become a web series directed by David Schurmann.
BM – How are your vacations?
SF – That is a good question. Many people think that we are on vacation when we are sailing. Our projects have a strategic planning that goes from the visit logistics in the countries, assignment meeting, and so on. We have a team with more than 20 people directly related to each project. In the crew of sailboat Kat, we have 50% family, made up of children and grandchildren, and the other 50% is made up of professionals in social media and production of shows for TV, since photographers, photography director, sound director and assistants.
BM – Why did you choose Bahia at this moment?
SF – We love Bahia. Our son Pierre is married with a very nice Bahian girl. He and Fernanda live in Lauro de Freitas with their twins Chloe and Guilherme. They had been here in Bahia Marina. We chose it because we felt very good here and also because it is a strategic point. We got impressed by the cleaning and the water is always clean. That reminded me about the New Zealand harbor, the native Maoris of the country visit the harbor and dive every month, seeking oysters that are at the floating points for their parties. Here we can see the fishes and crystal water. Congratulations to you.
BM – What do you think about Bahia Marina. What is your relation to this place?
We have always been welcomed as brothers in Bahia Marina. Getting here is like getting home. A very attentive team of employees. When we got here from Santos this week, we have sailed for five and a half days and, in the morning, a boat with 2 employees was there waiting for us to indicate where we should anchor. The operations manager, Fernando (Valério) had sent us and email showing pictures of the place where we should anchor the sailboat Kat. We have met many harbors in the world and I could say that Bahia Marina has an international standard with the entire necessary infrastructure.
BM – Can you tell us any experience lived in Bahia Marina, any remarkable fact during any other stop over here?
SF – We have been here several times before with the sailboat Aysso, 55 feet. With Kat, 80 ft, is the first time. In one of the opportunities, a press conference was programmed so we could talk about the experiences we have lived for more than 30 years sailing seas around the world. We had a great opportunity to meet some Bahian business people who were on board and sailed with us. At this event, we talked about the importance of the team spirit, the leadership, the well-done work. We were in one of the journeys with our dear lovely Kat, who is in heaven today, sending us strength and protection. I will never forget when we were going to Itaparica Island. It was winter, the weather clouded over, the sea got big and we could not see anything on the bow. We decided to change the course and go to a protected bay. I called Kat to do the sailing. All business people on board got shocked by that 12 years old girl changing the course and sailing right to Aratu.
She is always with us spiritually and we decided then to name the sailboat Kat after her.
BM – Last year, a film named “O Pequeno Segredo” was released, also the TV series about the expedition to Asia. How is that for you to have your stories told on TV?
SF – The movie “O Pequeno Segredo” being nominated for the Oscars was a surprise. We were sailing through the Indian Ocean when we heard about that. We got very happy, that we even opened a bottle of champagne. The most exciting thing for us was running for it against many other good movies and such nomination was a present for the effort of all production team. David, our son who directed the movie, was enlightened by Kat for sure.
The experiences lived in the Orient Expedition during two years and a half will be showed by NatGeo since this 25th. I am very proud of having such a competent team who gives their best. Work hard to bring a good product since the capture of images until edition.
BM – Is there any new expedition coming up?
SF – Yes, we are starting a new expedition in the second semester of 2018. The theme is going to be “Innovation and Sustainability”.
BM – What is the message you would leave to the ones who wish a life on board?
SF – All of us have a dream.
We have to decide a date to make it happen.
Some have the dream of living on board and sail through the Brazilian coast or around the world. My message would be: take the first step and focus on your objective.
There will be many storms on your way, but this is just a test facing your focus. Never give up because of the first problem. Success comes after a lot of energy and you need to believe it.

Vilfredo Schurmann and Leilane Loureiro, director of Bahia Marina