From the talented hands of children from the Solar do Unhão community came out illustrations for the booklet “Environmental History of Baía de Todos os Santos” that is going to be launched on June 7th by Bahia Marina, celebrating the environment month. The launch is going to count on the presense of the authors of the illustrations – that are going to autograph and present the public with some samples – and the project managers of the environmental education and social communication program of Bahia Marina, creators of the material. The event takes place at a stand set up at Bahia Marina, at 2:00 p.m. .
The booklet presents in a pedagogical way, a trip through the four geological eras of Baía de Todos os Santos, starting with the criation of the universe and its ecosystems, followed by the evolution of the human species, passing though the environmental degradation, the current crises and closing with the sustainable relations that could change the world scenario.
In addition to the pedagogical content and orientations for teachers to apply in class, the reader will be invited to travel around Baía through questions and answers, exercises, tips about environments and curiosities, also invited to to go on a journey through this rich marine ecosystem.
“I´ve learned many things about Baía de Todos os Santos and the third era was the one that really impressed me because it explained about the evolution of the primates that came down from trees and used their hands as a help for the evolution”, explained Enzo Ricardo Santos, 13 years old.
According to Roseane Palavizini, PhD in Environmental Engineering and Responsable Technician of the environmental education and social communication program of Bahia Marina, the first goal of the booklet was to develop the children´s love for Baía de Todos os Santos and the commitment with its preservation. “The result of this work was an educational and interactive material that could help teachers, students and readers in comprehending the current reality from a historical and critical reflection, focusing on the formation of citizens aware, responsible and commited to a more sustainable society”, she says.
Inks and Paintbrushes
“To love and preserve, you need to know”. With this motivation, boys and girls whetted their imaginations to learn through an unforgettable way about the origin of Baía de Todos os Santos. And such knowledge was expressed in art that, today, illustrates the booklet.
The paintings were all handmade with inks and paintbrushes, and later digitalized to represent, in the booklet, the perceptions of such young people and their relationship with the sea, with the Bay, and with the environment they live in.
According to Leilane Loureiro, Bahia Marina Director, in this material it is pictured the love for Baía de Todos os Santos and the commitment with its preservation, developed by the kids throughtout the work of environmental education Bahia Marina performs.
The printed booklet is going to be distributed for free in municipal schools around Bahia Marina, to employees, people from local communities, clients and people who visit us on the launch day.
The environmental education program of Bahia Marina is permanent. Thought lectures and workshops for the Solar do Unhão community, employees and users of the project, the main goal is the maintenance of a good environmental quality, around the place where Bahia Marina works.