Children and mothers of Solar do Unhão community shared a unique experience in January. That was the feeling of most people along the educative tour by schooner around Bahia Marina in Baía de Todos os Santos. The campaign is part of the environmental education and social communication program that Marina develops with the surrounding community since 2012.
The tour was attended by around 40 participants, among children and adults, and there were activities coordinated by Ethos-Humanus in cooperation with biologist Maria do Socorro Reis (Bioconserve Environmental Consulting), who studies marine mammals in Baía de Todos os Santos for 25 years. Children saw for the first time a pink river dolphin group, about 10 of them, around Foz do Paraguaçu, place where mammals are used to feed during summer. It was a very special moment.
Another remarkable moment of the event was the walk along the mangrove. Children learned the reason why we have it, the importance of preserving such ecosystem and got, along the tour, knowledge on the consequences of blast fishing and the damages we get from the trash left in the sea and they still learned about the history of some places we visited. The little ones had a lot of questions and also took advantage of the tour to take a swim in Salinas da Margarida, one of the tour stops.
According to biologist Maria do Socorro, “Bahia Marina initiative was positive. The group showed interest, interacted very positively. The work with the children makes them better and turns them into more aware adults in the future. This tour was a living experience with the nature they will never forget”. According to Edileuza Benigno, mother of two kids who never left Salvador, the experience was unforgettable: “I was amazed. I learned a lot of things along with my kids. They will never forget the mud bath in the mangrove. I am very happy”.
The ecological tour is the first campaign of 2015 among some others scheduled for the environmental education program of Bahia Marina, along with Solar do Unhão community