Contorno Avenue, in Salvador, earned this Saturday (05/30), a work of art to celebrate the international environment day, on June 5th. The intervention of Bahia Marina is exposed in a panel measuring 9 meters long x 3 meters wide, to screen the sea turtle, one of the animals symbol of Baia de Todos os Santos, being one of the victims of the environmental degradation.
Using art as an appeal through the concept “Here it is art, but trash in the sea”, the work signed by Engenhonovo and executed by artist Ivo Gato was designed with materials usually discarded in the sea. To compose the work he used three thousand of pet bottles in several sizes, two thousand of beer cans, wood, iron materials and paint.
According to Ivo Gato, the goal of the activity is to show how trash can be beautiful if it is transformed, not discarded wrongly in the environment. Nine people were involved in the process of creation of the panel, which started with the search for the right materials and visits to the recycling cooperative. “We found a kind of material that could give more plasticity, turning trash into a good visual artwork”, he says.
Environmental History
It is already part of Bahia Marina to celebrate important dates of the environmental calendar with activities that make society think about the water and the Bahia de Todos os Santos biodiversity prevention. Since 2009, the company hold advertising campaigns with additional socialeducative activities related to the environment theme, disclosing the preservation of the sea in a creative way. In 2011 and 2012, the campaigns signed by Engenhonovo agency earned some awards nationally
According to Reynaldo Loureiro, director of Bahia Marina, annually the berths around Bahia Marina are cleaned, besides the daily cleaning of wastes found on the surface of the sea. “What we notice is that people have not learned how to discard their trash rightly and since we have the sea as a base for our products and services, it is our job to bring information to people and spread a positive message”, he says.
About the artist:
José Ivo da Costa Santos is an artist, born in Lagarto/Sergipe and eradicated in Bahia. He studied business administration, but noticed this was not his area, then he studied visual arts at the Federal University of Bahia. After that, 35 years ago, he started up the Ivo Gato studio, company that Works on decoration, landscaping and scenography for cinema, theater, television, malls and some others.
Technical File:
Agency: Engenho novo
Creative director: Márcio Sant’ Ana
Art director: Heitor Neto
Copywriter: fabio perazzo
Costumer service director: Bartira Pereira
Attendance: Bárbara Santana
Media: Priscila Fernandes
Graphic Production: Sandra Ramacciotti
Artist: Ivo Gato