Residents from the metropolitan region of Salvador received the certification for the nautical mechanics course. The initiative is a partnership between Bahia Marina, Municipal Government of São Francisco do Conde, Economic Development Department and SENAI, aiming to qualify labor professionally in the city. The course took 200 hours and it was offered to 30 people who received the certification on February 7th.
The participants got the certification for the nautical mechanics course with skills to understand the main systems of boat motors and use the knowledge on repair and prevention, applying it on the maintenance and diagnostic of internal combustion engine.
At the time, Bahia Marina Director Reynaldo Loureiro, was part of the board along with São Francisco do Conde Deputy Mayor Carlos Alberto Bispo and the city Environment Secretary Renato Costa Rosa.
“The initiative to make this course happens and the commitment of the participants deserve to be pointed out. This is obviously going to reflect on the development of the region and it is going to meet new demands that are on the way with more qualified professionals for the nautical mechanics field”, said Loureiro.
Porto das Ilhas Shipyard
Francisco do Conde Region is going to receive the enterprise Porto das Ilhas Shipyard, still under construction and expected to be complete by the second semester of 2018. The enterprise is backed by Grupo Cidade, holding company that manages Bahia Marina and some others.